The Renaissance castle in SuchaBeskidzka, a former aristocratic residence of the subsequent owners of Sucha: the Castiglione-Suski, Komorowski, Wielopolski, Branicki and Tarnowski families. It is often called „The Little Wawel” as it bears some resemblance (especially the galleried arcades) to the Cracow Royal Castle.
Old church
It was founded by the former owner of Sucha – PiotrKomorowski and dates back to the years 1613 -1614. This old church amazes withits typical Gothic silhouette and Renaissance decorative details, as well asanimpressive monastery building, which currently serves as a presbytery.
The Parish of Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Parish church dedicated to the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary in SuchaBeskidzka was designed by TeodorTalowski and built between the years 1897 and 1908. The main founders of the temple were the Branicki family and railwaymen from Sucha.
Rome Tavern (Karczma Rzym)
Rome Tavern, dating back to the second half of the 17th century, is situated right in the center of the Sucha Market Square. It is one of rare examples of wooden constructions, referring directly to the tradition of folk architecture.
Sucha Beskidzka – Magurka – Zawoja Centrum (approx. 3 – 3,5 h.) – red trail
Starting from the railway station, head south up the hillcalled „Pod Cholernym” and continue through the forest, go along the edge of the Podksięże housing estate, up to the forester’s lodge. The trail bypasses the peak Magurka (872 m above sea level) from the left side. Approx. 200 m behind the forester’s lodge the path runs along the edge of the forest, from where you can admire an impressive panorama view of the Babia Góra and Police mountain range. The trail continues to the Przysłop housing estate, already a part ofZawoja, then to Zawoja Smyraka and further down the road to the center of Zawoja.
Sucha Beskidzka – Dolina Zasypnicy – Zawoja Przysłop (approx. 2 h. ) – black trail
The black trail starts from the railway station and goes along the road towards Stryszawa. It then turns left at the Primary School No. 2, and continues through the Zasypnica valley. It goes along the stream, passes the trout farm and approaches the old tourist station „U Pytla”. Then the trail runs through the forest, bypasses the peak Magurka from the right side and joins the red trail in Zawoja Przysłop.
SuchaBeskidzka – Żurawica (734 m above sea level) – Krzeszów (approx. 4 h.) – green trail
The green trail starts from the railway station and goes along the road towards Stryszawa. It turns right at the Primary School No. 2, crosses a railroad track and a bridge on the Stryszawka River, follows a field path towards Lipska Mountain, and then goes through the Lipie housing estate, up to the top of Gołuszkowa Mountain. After going down the hill, the green trail reaches the Carchel housing estate and heads southwest toward the peak Żurawica, where it meets the black trail leading to Leskowiec. Going west from the peak, after passing the edge of a deciduous forest, the trail meets the first houses of Krzeszów.
SuchaBeskidzka – Mioduszyna (638 m above sea level) – MakówPodhalański 3 h. – blue trail
The blue trail leads from the Market Square in SuchaBeskidzka, over the bridge on the Stryszawka River; it then turns right, goes through a marketplace and, after crossing the beltway, runs through the suspension footbridge on the Skawa River. It goes up the road, among the buildings of the Garce housing estate, until it reaches the forest. The trail continues along the forest path on the ridge of Mioduszyna (Dziatowskie), then across the hills above Maków and down to the center of the town. It finally runs through the village of Grzechynia and joins the red trail going from Sucha to Magurka.